Restructuring in 2023: opening up to all stakeholders in the bicycle ecosystem

The significantly changed framework conditions, including rapid market growth, new players in the fields of mobility as a service and digital products, and external factors such as climate change, war, energy, raw materials and the mobility transition bring huge opportunities for the bicycle industry.

At the same time, they make a broadening of perspectives as well as changes necessary – also within the ZIV. While the ZIV only represented the import and wholesale trade sectors in the past, in future it will represent the entire bicycle ecosystem. The name of ‘Zweirad-Industrie-Verband’, which translates literally as the bicycle industry association has still been retained however.
Welcome to the ZIV
With amendment of the association’s statutes at the 2023 annual general meeting, the decision was reached to open up the ZIV to other players in the bicycle ecosystem. With immediate effect, all companies that manufacture or distribute bicycles, EPACS, e-bikes, related vehicles, parts or accessories as well as products and services relating to the use of bicycles in the Federal Republic of Germany can become full members of the association.

Other players in the cycling industry will also be included, such as testing institutes and technical offices, manufacturers of testing equipment, experts and professorships, planners and implementers of transport facilities as well as sport and event organisers, and companies from the tourism sector such as bike parks and bicycle insurers. Fledgling companies and start-ups that are still in the process of being founded with a business model relating to bicycle are also welcome to the ZIV.

The entire bicycle ecosystem

We work to ensure that the bicycle industry is doing well

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